D16 Toraverb 2 v2.2.2
- Release Date: 16-09-2023, 19:34
- Category: Audio Plugins
- License type: Full | Keygen
- File size: 55.7 MB
- Rar Password: 123456

Toraverb 2 - Space Modulated Reverb - is an algorithmic reverb with modulated tail, which design is not based on any "off-the-shelf" algorithm, but it is a concept solution. Toraverb 2 features high quality diffusion network based on modified all-pass filters with an additional modulation parameter affecting the diffusion network, which is responsible for the distribution of the sound waves reflections in time. Modulation causes alteration to the sound of the reverb's tail to give a more realistic effect of sound propagation. Modulation amount is controlled independently for early and late reflections.
Toraverb 2 also features spatial reflection algorithm with cross-talking of reflected stereo waves between stereo channels. This models what happens in the real world when a sound audible only in the left ear is reflected and is heard in both ears. There are also two independent, single band, fully parametric equalizers with 3 available curve types each. One is used to EQ early reflections and the other to EQ late reflections.
Signal from Early and Late reverberation modules is blended together in Mixer, which provides, apart from controlled Levels, also Stereo Balance parameters for both reflection types, which can work in L-R or M-S domain. Finally Toraverb 2 features a built-in ducker, which compresses the FX signal's amplitude proportionally to the loudness of dry / unprocessed input without necessity of employing any additional side-chain compression unit into your DAW's fx chain.
- High quality diffusion network.
- Pre-delay with optional tempo sync. - New in V2
- Reverb's tail modulation (with independent control for Early and Late reflections - New in V2).
- Controllable crosstalking spatial reflections - New in V2
- Parametric EQ for Early and Late reflections (with 3 different curves each - New in V2).
- Early and Late mixer (with stereo balance working in either L/R or M/S domains - New in V2).
- Built-in ducker - New in V2
- Adjustable FX crossfade characteristics - New in V2
- Tag based preset browser - New in V2
- Two alternative GUI sizes - New in V2
- MIDI-learn functionality throughout - New in V2
- 64-bit internal processing.

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